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Infertility treatments

Infertility treatments

Infertility is a global public health concern and affects approximately 10% - 15% of couples worldwide. This condition may stem from numerous anomalies in the body, ranging from infections and cysts in the ovaries and reproductive tract, to the disproportionate secretion of hormones by the glands. Infertility treatments are many, and are of various kinds. The best way to tackle it is to identify the exact cause of this condition and then alleviate it.

Available infertility treatments include:

. Treating APA's. APA's cause blood clots and prevent implantation. A low dose aspirin therapy works wonders when treating APA's in the blood. For graver cases, anticoagulants are used to thin out the blood and improve blood circulation in the uterus.

. Removing natural killer cells. Natural killer cells present in excess begin to attack the embryo. An intravenous treatment of gamma globulin, intralipid infusions and steroids are often used in this case.

. Treating Antinuclear Antibodies (AA's). Abundance of antinuclear antibodies in the body is treated with steroids, intake of herbs that increase circulation, intake of antioxidants, zinc supplements, alkaline generating food and reducing the levels of stress. Balancing the responses of the immune system is the key to treating AA's.

. Treating antisperm antibodies. To suppress the reactions in the body caused by antisperm antibodies interacting with the sperm, low doses of steroids are often made use of.

. Treating age related infertility. Since age is a possible threat to female fertility, infertility treatments involving care of the kidneys and the spleen will help a woman keep the age related problems of pregnancy at bay.

. Treating infections that hinder pregnancy. Antibiotic treatments to exterminate the harmful bacteria from the body are recommended by most doctors who conduct IVF's. Nutritious food and immune enhancing supplements are used to prevent harmful bacteria from growing in the body. When detected in one partner, antibiotic treatments for harmful bacteria must be carried out in both partners since they are likely to have infected each other during intercourse.

. Treating the high prolactin levels in the body. Normally, to treat the elevated levels of prolactin in the body, natural remedies are suggested. These natural remedies include the intake of vitamin B, zinc and magnesium supplements, exercising, staying away from alcohol, and lowering the levels of stress. The intake of rebalancing hormones like Chasteberry, etc. is also helpful. Qi moving herbs are also quite helpful in these cases.

. Treating leutal phase defects. In case of dealing with leutal phase defects, fertility drugs like Clomid, etc. are prescribed for boosting the levels of progesterone, which enable pregnancy. However, medicines such as these are bound to have side effects, and to avoid these said side effects, it is always beneficial to opt for natural methods of treatment. Traditional Chinese Medicine offers good help in these cases.

. Treating tubal blockages. Laparoscopy is performed to remove small areas of blockage, however if that fails, In Vitro Fertilization is an option.

. Treating sperm problems. Fertility drugs are available that enhance sperm production, and improve motility. Since sperm motility is one of the major factors affecting pregnancy, treatments in males are incomplete without looking into this.

Infertility treatments are possible with the whole new range of medicines that is available to the public these days, but it must also be kept in mind that these treatments can be painful, often come without harmful side effects and the results are far from guaranteed. On the other hand, following the holistic approach with a healthy diet, regular exercise, abstinence from alcohol, nicotine and other drugs, stress management, acupuncture etc. can almost guarantee positive and fast results.

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